
Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Stella posted New challange :



At first I randomly search for one of the number in google then one of the page came up:

http://calculatorwords.yolasite.com then I tryed that encodeing method


by using this methode of conversoin i convert the numbers:  0=O/D 1=I 2=Z 3=E 4=h 5=S 6=g 7=L 8=B 


then the word didnt make sence but i read them back word they did came up with words.


3631538 = egeiseb =besiege

535507 = sessol = losses
536315 = segeis = sieges
034500078 = dehsdoolb = bloodshed 
05241571 = oszhisli = ilsihzso
( This one didnt make sence but if you look at it as a date its making sence ( 05 25 1571 ) )
37047734 = elohlleh = hellhole
5316070301 = seigoloedi = ideologies
03553580 = dessedbo = obsessed
03378 = deelb = bleed
Then i searched on google for "city went down on may 24,1571" first result was wiki page about Fire of Moscow (1571) which i read it make sence that hellhole and bloodshed happend at that date :
I tried Moscow with the stl.la like this: stl.la/Moscow
then we redirect to this page:


