
Here some tools that can be useful during solving the puzzles and i will Update this page regularly. If you have any usefull tool and want to share please email me at:  

Title Catagory Description Link
Data Byte Converter

Computer data storage digital information conversion tool.

Binary Hex Converter

 convert bin, hex, decimal, binary and ascii numbers to each other

Unit Conversion Converter

The most comprehensive unit conversion website on the net today.


Braille converter Converter

Braille converter

Base Converter Converter

 This tool converts numbers in different bases (eg: decimal, binary, hexa). 

ASCII to Hex Converter

ASCII to Hex...and other free text conversion tools

Multi Encoder - Decoder Encoder - Decoder

Multi Encoder - Decoder

Pixlr Photo Editor

Photo editor a small web app for editing photo. just like photoshop. Provided by

Google Search Engine

Very important search engine

Wikipedia Source

Very good source to get information

DialABC Source

DialABC offers a full set of vanity phone number tools, information, trivia, and links. DialABC lets you find words in phone numbers and even find touch tones in audio clips.

Anagram Solver Source

The Universal Anagram Solver uses a massive database of everything to solve anagram puzzles regarding any conceivable topic. Simply put the jumbled up letters in the box above and get an instant answer.

Cipher Tools Source

This is a page dedicated to simple text manipulation tools, which all can be replicated with just paper and pencil.

Onelook Source

Word, phrase, or pattern search.


Anagram Solver Source

This anagram solver finds all hidden words in a group of letters or phrase that you input. As you can see by the search options available above, multiple dictionaries are supported and you can sort by length or alphabetically.

Andy's anagram solver! Source

Andy's anagram solver!

Quipqiup Source

quipqiup is a fast and automated cryptogram solver by Edwin Olson.

scary-experiments Website

Web app developed by shows which line people choose.

You can choose yours too.

The Ancient Counsel Of The 12 Website

Welcome to The Ancient Counsel Of The 12.

Endgame_ARG_Wiki Website

This wiki is dedicated to the ARGs surrounding the Endgame books series.This series is created by James Frey and Nils Johnson-Shelton .

Fevgames Website

Games We play!!