
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Stella Posted new challange :


From the clue she gave is to take out all the ancient name out of the table of letter and work with whatever letter remain.

I collored all the ancient name like this :



what remain is : P E C S X R P X L I C C S O E X


With this 16 letter we have to come up with word that make sence.

There are many word can be made out of it but the remaining letter wont add up to make sence.

The correct name is PERSEPOLIS which is an acient city, the remaining letter are C C C X X X and we learn from previous challage they can be converted to romanian numbers



Therefore CCC=300 and  XXX=30 then adding them togeather we get 330

combining the word and the number we get : PERSEPOLIS330

Then the code we got we put at the end of the Url:

Like this:

This will redirect us to this page:

Which contain a song called Rat Style.



Update 1:

Thanks to (+Bryce Dickey) which commented and told me to look closer to the Mp3 file. I look at the file deeper and saw that J send this song to stella, inside the mp3 file J sened a messege:




