
Monday, November 10, 2014
Stella posted a new  challenge:
challenge image
This brings us to a new weekly theme - gambling. Very in theme with Stella's father...
Now, for today's riddle:
The black image is an American Roulette table. No, not a roulette table, an american roulette table.
The text gives us an idea how much the man bets, and the image gives us the position of the bet so we can determine his winnings and see how much he ends up with.
The first bet ist a line bet.
The second and third bets are split bets.
The last bet is a straight up bet.
american roulette
For the bet payouts see
This gives the poor man 1 (initial) + 5 + 17 + 34 + 700 = 757
Some googling gives us:
Solution redirects to 
