
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Stella posted a new weekly challenge:

This is quite advanced for a weekly challenge.

First, you need to assign the solutions to the questions and find some corresponding words:

Where -> Wonderland (Alice ...)

To -> butterfly (Caterpillar)

From: Human (Werewolf changes from human)

Friend: pinocchio (friend of candlewick)

Describing: Color (Power ranger)

Then, we need to find something to decode colors: billiard balls. Hint is "cue".

In the flames, we see the following colors (with the corresponding billiard ball number):

2 blue t
3 red
5 orange h
4 pink
1 yellow e
5 orange 
4 pink c
6 green
1 yellow o
2 blue
5 orange m
1 yellow
4 pink p 
1 yellow
3 red a
2 blue


Last, we need to realize that this is once again an indexing challenge: The pairs  2/3, 5/4, 1/5, 4/6, 1/2, 5/1, 4/1, 3/2 tell us the word / letter to use (also shown above).

Apparently, the riddle is bugged, so we only get "thecompa". Google fu leads you to "thecompanion", again a reference to a star trek episode and probably done on short notice because of Leonard Nemoy's death.


Solution redirects to:

