About Me

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Stella posted this:

In the bottom of the page she says email me. after emailing her there will be an automatic reply form her. like this:

We can see there is seven Ancient socity logo in grayscale in the bottom of the email. By using the "THE 12 ANCIENT LINES"  page. the link to that page: http://www.ancientsocieties.com/pages/the-12-ancient-lines/

we match each logo to there Ancient name :  








And aperintly the trick is to get all first letter form each Acient Name :  H A M M O C K

Then the code we got we put at the end of the Url: Stl.la

Like thisStl.la/HAMMOCK


Then this link will take is to private youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHC_HTLDqtg

