Posted by MarkAngels
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Stella posted a new challenge:
It is possible to solve this without knowing anything about the week, the hint gives quite a lot away. It mentions a monastry, a convent, a crime and a library. Probably not related to the weekly challenges, since it is only 4 items, not five. We can assume we're looking for a location with all four items, and maybe a zip containing the numbers "07653" - and the language indicates it is in france. Google finds a suspicous location called "Mont sainte odile" with the zip 67530, which is the solution.
You can also go the probably intended road of decoding the zip by assinging the images to days:
- Speak easy -> Alcohol, see
- Plain sight -> Monkey, see (7)
- False bottomed briefcase -> money (5)
- Louvigny -> Mona lisa, see (3)
- (unknown at the time the challenge came out) => Lockheed Marten aircraft factory, see (0)
The image for (0) is a lockheed marten aircraft factory that was hidden from the japanese during WWII. The name of the operation was "Camouflage" which also works as a solve for friday's unsolved challenge.
After this challenge it is likely that this weeks theme is hiding, not as i thought first colors. So, Stella aparrently is in hiding. Fits the story and makes sense.
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